Why Do Healthcare Professionals Need to Regularly Update Their SEO Strategy
The usage of the internet to seek out medical and health-related information has been steadily increasing over the years. Moreover, every medical practice, healthcare professional or health insurance competitor is trying to attract all this traffic to their side of the business.
Strong Competition
Search engine optimization (SEO) isn’t anything new in the realm of digital marketing. However, very few companies track regularly and adjust their SEO strategy on a quarterly basis to adapt to changing market trends.
To get a general overview, use the free Google Keyword tool. Type in various keywords or phrases that you think a potential patient would search to find your organization, product or service. Scan the list of suggestions that pops up and take a look at the volume of local searches and the competitiveness for relevant keywords.
Most likely, you will find that competition for popular keywords is very high. This has become the norm in most industries and should be viewed as an opportunity to narrow your focus. Adjust your SEO strategy to optimize your content for niche-specific keywords; these will usually be medium and long-tail keywords.
These insights will help fuel which keywords you integrate into your content and benchmark against to measure success moving forward.
SEO Leads to Content Optimization
If you already have an established content marketing strategy, you are likely creating a number of content pieces like blog posts, social media posts or videos.
By maintaining a database of target keywords relevant to your product, you will be able to help the team filter through the noise and ensure those keywords are integrated into blog posts, video tags and descriptions or social media posts.
Search engines place an emphasis on quality content and you’ll succeed at driving strong search engine traffic when you have a consistent brand keyword framework to work with. It will also allow you to evaluate your progress along the way.
Healthcare is Constantly Changing
One of the things specific to the healthcare industry is the potential for increased web traffic when health-related reforms are passed or changed at state level.
In these instances, patients want to know what has changed and how it might affect them. Take this as an opportunity to offer high quality content in the form of blog posts answering questions patients might have. The competition however is fierce and everyone will be trying to climb as high as possible in the local search results.
That’s why regularly tracking your SEO performance and adjusting the strategy is essential to maintaining a healthy position in the search engine page results.