Use these two marketing tactics to drive more sales!

Reputation Defender
4 min readMay 17, 2017
Image courtesy of Alicia Zinn at

We at ReputationDefender are aware of the importance of sparing no efforts to get more traffic and drive more sales for every single e-commerce site and online store. Amidst today’s juncture, where the digital world means everything for future startups and ventures — and for well-established businesses that want to keep up the pace so they do not get out of the competition — , it is not difficult for people to find a sheer array of possibilities, tools and tactics in order to either start their own business or become more proficient at managing an online store.

Thus, we at ReputationDefender have compiled several tactics and the necessary tools to implement them in order to enhance a business’s ranking and traffic rates. It is quite normal to see entrepreneurs overreacting towards the situations they commonly face, normally believing that they are indeed doing the most they can to get as many visitors to their online stores as possible; however, reality dictates otherwise.

Entrepreneurs have extremely high levels of enthusiasm, nevertheless, they commonly lack knowledge and expertise — which is normal — , and that is why most ventures simply fail after less than a year: entrepreneurs do not know how to adequate and tailor their businesses to a particular juncture: they overpriced their products and services and, sometimes, they are somewhat reluctant to hear a word of advice.

Be that as it may, the following tactics range from triggering a special discount whenever a customer is about to exit the store to creating emails for customers who ventured into putting items in their baskets but did not complete the purchase.

Upsell the products

Upselling comes in many forms. Customers have certainly come across a question that normally goes like this: “May I interest you in an upgrade?”. That is by definition a perfect example of upselling a good or a service, which can also be translated into: “marketers are trying to sell something slightly more expensive” whenever a customer shows interest in a particular product. The good news is that it works: upselling has proven to be up to 20 times much more efficient and effective than cross-selling, as, sometimes, customers are not aware of the existence of a better product, or they simply disregard the possibility of finding something more adequate for their needs.

It is important to focus on positive features: are one of the products made of slightly better materials? Are they hand-made? Do they carry a special component? The secret behind carrying out effective upselling strategies is to highlight what is different about the good or the service prior to asking the customer whether he or she might be interested in an upgrade.

There are, however, two crucial aspects when it comes to up selling a product or service. First, make sure the upsell is entirely related to the original product and, second, do not overprice. Act accordingly when it comes to addressing the price range. The product in questions must always meet the needs of the customer. The perfect example? Apple. Apple uses up selling techniques all the time. And they convince people that the new product is indeed much better than the original.

Is there any tool to do that?

The answer is yes. Luckily, there is an app for online businesses to upsell their products: Product UpSell. This app provides users with the ability to offer different products during the checkout process based on the content of the basket of a particular customer. Try it out and, by integrating it, stores and ecommerce businesses can finally sell higher margin products. It is also possible to customize the upselling depending on multiple factors and, last but not least, it also allows stores to run different promotions such as the good old “buy one and get one for free”.

Image courtesy of Pixabay at

Do not overlook Instagram

Instagram is perhaps one of the most famous social media platforms available. When it comes to digital marketing, Instagram has certainly proven to be the perfect ally: the average order value from Instagram marketing sits around $65.00. Additionally, studies have shown that, unlike any other social media platform, Instagram provides stores and brands with 25% more exposure and engagement.

However, Instagram will only be an effective tool if the proper hashtags are being used at the right time. The key to becoming a proficient Instagrammer is by engaging with customers; that is definitely the only way to build a big amount of followers. Amongst the best ways to engage with the audience, businesses and brands can run campaigns or host contests, but more importantly, it is vital to show customers that the products or the services are real, which is why posting pictures of customers using the products is crucial. That way, potential or dubious customers will realize that the business in question has real and current customers.

Is there a way to integrate Instagram to a business?

Of course! The app in questions is called Instagration, which is a very proficient tool at increasing the rate of Instagram engagement. It integrates Instagram with online stores and provides users with the ability to monitor and moderate the IG pictures customers are seeing.



Reputation Defender

Learn how Reputation Defender can help protect your online reputation and privacy. Reputation Defender is now part of Gen Digital Inc.