The Role of Online Reputation Managers in Brand Development
The internet is a place where the good and bad don’t always appear in equal measures. Even though you can deal with a lot of it, you won’t be able to tackle every bit of unfavourable information.
In order to survive as a brand in this digitized world whose reputation can easily be tainted by bad reviews comments, rumours and defamation, the role of online reputation managers has been created.
Online reputation managers are a blend of PR specialists and tech experts who ensure that your brand is properly depicted online. By monitoring activity around a brand and managing it decisively and timely, online reputation managers highlight the favourable aspects and suppress the negative ones.
ORM’s Role
An online reputation manager works to safeguard a brand’s reputation across the internet by controlling information that people can view, both good and bad. The process starts with responding to comments from disgruntled customers, ensuring that their issues are resolved as soon as possible and trying to take down any information that is adversely biased towards a brand or a person.
ORM to Reclaim your Rights
One of the key aspects to understand about ORM is that it’s about you or your brand, and not about others. You can take an active approach to do something good for yourself, or you do nothing at all. Nothing can really be erased from the internet once it’s online.
The fundamental task is to be in control of your reputation and reclaim your right to highlight your qualities and achievements. At the same time, taking things off the first page of Google and all social media timelines work as good as erasing them.
We all care about reputation, as an individual or as a brand. Most of the people will always check online who they are talking to, be it an individual person or a business. Your online reputation is a chance to put your best foot forward by showing what you really care about, providing an accurate insight to people who matter.
A Healthy Online Presence
Keeping a well-rounded online presence can start without having a designated ORM expert. Start off by enabling Google Alerts for your business name and yourself and think of ways in which you can contribute to your industry.
Use the power of social media to blog, tweet and discuss on online forums to build your reputation. Be consistent with your message. Address consumers’ grievances before they turn into news and keep them interested by sharing valuable content to maintain positive engagement.