Four Social Media Trends to Watch in 2020
Social media has already cemented its place in a business’ marketing plan. As a key channel to grow the business, it’s crucial to be up-to-date with the latest changes that may impact your social media strategy.
Below is a list of trends that will push your social media marketing strategy in the right direction for 2020.
Video as a Primary Content Medium
Everyone lauds video for how engaging it is and how quickly it rose to popularity as a content consumption format for users. Consumers like and share content that is visually appealing and self-explanatory.
Video embeds information in an entertaining and easily digestible format that can be shared across multiple platforms. As such, social media videos can positively impact direct sales clicks, providing a good return on investment.
Moreover, major platforms like Facebook and Instagram are making it as easy as possible for users to consume and create videos on their networks. For instance, Instagram’s recent algorithm changes have been favorable for video content.
Personalized and Contextual Content
Personalization and contextualization in the online marketing world is everywhere. Additionally, personalization is a key aspect to a successful social media marketing campaign.
Ads on social platforms allow you to finely tune your target audience based on several criteria. You can target your ads to users who are interested in products and services similar to what you sell. While this is nothing new in the online advertising world, the algorithms and specifications are continuously enhanced by the big social platforms.
Engagement to Prevail as a Metric
Not so far in the past, likes and follows were the main metrics everyone was looking at for a social profile. These remain important, but engagement is set to tip the scale in its favor. Likes and follower count is easy to fake, hence why social media profiles with engagements, which includes comments, shares, and live features will prevail in the long run.
To generate engagement, you can organize polls, contests or simply ask questions and discuss with your followers. Additionally, you can also comment and share posts from other pages.
The Rise of Local Social Media
Local search and local social media may become more popular in the upcoming years. While the online medium is global, consumers still have needs that are bound to their locality, hence why most important search results will be in the immediate proximity.
Furthermore, customers have an inherent desire to support local. Creating local brand social media pages for your business gives you an opportunity to engage with customers on a more personal level.
This personal approach can help drive more in-store traffic and build stronger relationships with residents. Post about supporting local causes or sponsoring events to help build brand recognition. Residents will soon start to build a connection with your brand.