Drive up Your SEO Performance with Industry Trend Reports as High Quality Content
A less conventional way to improve SEO and engagement during the sales cycle is to compile valuable, well-researched industry trend reports. This type of reports should contain unique information or data that even industry insiders will find useful.
In order to capture the value of these reports, your landing pages and resource section pages need to be structured so that search engines pick up the right keywords and give your website a boost in the rankings.
Industry Trend Reports for SEO
Trend reports targeted towards specific industries can help your SEO rankings. One of the most important aspects SEO-wise is actually the title. Search engines will look for clues what the report is about in the title first and foremost.
Your title needs to be relevant to the search terms and keywords that you target for each industry or product category. Moreover, include a summary of the report at the beginning using keywords and copy that will leave prospects hungry for more information.
Provide Valuable Reports
Besides your report title, also consider to use the same wording in the title tag of the webpage where the industry report will be published. The description of the report is another opportunity to improve SEO with keywords and some backlinks to other similar industry reports on your website.
A well-written industry trend report will provide readers with current challenges in their industry, where you can come in with the expertise to overcome these. This will help establish your reputation as a thought leader. Key aspects for a successful approach in your industry reports are:
- Addressing an industry challenge that hasn’t been in the spotlight.
- Offer detailed solutions, especially if no one is offering these.
- Be clear about the benefits of the specific solutions you’re proposing.
By creating industry reports that check these points, you are providing visitors a reason to click through to specific web pages other than to simply engage in a sales process.
Distribute your Reports
You can also offer these reports as gated content. In this case make sure to require contact information and provide enough content on the page so that your landing page can rank well with search engines. Often, giving away some of the more interesting facts and data, as well as some sample content, can have a long lasting effect on search rankings.
Moreover, make sure that you have all your sharing buttons on the page so that you can build inbound links for SEO.
The additional web traffic you generate from high authority websites or platforms will heavily impact how search engines view your website over time. Furthermore, readers might share these links on social media and backlink them on their own blogs, further boosting your traffic and SEO ranking.