Developing A Successful Online Reputation Management Strategy
With the power that SEO positioning is taking in digital strategies, companies should be concerned and focus on ensuring that their image is well protected and not be part of any negative comments or opinions that affect their positioning. It is, therefore, important to have an action plan for ORM (Online Reputation Management).
What is online reputation?
Online reputation is the perception that consumers have of a given brand. This perception does not necessarily match the image that the company is trying to convey, but is created based on how it is received by consumers — it is the result of experiences, projections, sensations, emotions of the brand itself or of others.
As customers, consumers and citizens are speaking out more and more frequently, the stakes for reputation are rising every year. Increased consumer demands have only increased the pressure on brands. But these demands can in fact be seen as great communication opportunities. Backed by a rigorous methodology and a mapping of the environment, the contributions of social media monitoring and listening are numerous.
Social media listening tools are increasingly used by marketing, communication, public relations and product departments in particular. Social listening platforms are thus the second most important rapid source of information for marketers. Therefore, these tools will be valuable allies in capturing conversations and articles about your products, services and brand overall.
How to develop a successful Online Reputation Management strategy?
In order to effectively maintain a positive company image and reputation, there are actions points to build an unparalleled brand reputation and become something special to consumers:
· Budget allocation. This focuses on defining what needs to be done to get people to follow the brand.
· Determining the goals and personnel in charge. Defining objectives and then assigning the person or people responsible for implementing actions appropriate for your goals.
· Defining the social media. Choose the platforms to exploit to have brand presence and brand awareness.
· Define the content for each medium. You should not publish the same thing on different platforms, as it can be repetitive and unattractive to the audience. Establish what type of content is appropriate for the different media: videos, infographics, blog, etc.
· Frequency of publication. Determine, depending on the engagement generated by each publication, a time such as hour and day for each publication.
· Definition of metrics. Select what you want to promote in order to establish the metrics to focus on for the analysis of the results.
Now keep these in mind and work to keep your company’s image always positive, resolving any customer concerns so that your relationship with them is long-lasting, giving them the confidence that your company is exemplary.