Dealing and Addressing Negative Feedback as an Entrepreneur
It happens to everyone. As a new entrepreneur or an experienced one, you will likely receive some de-motivating feedback sooner or later. Don’t let that negative review be the end of the world; instead, turn it around to make your business even better.
Here’s how to turn that negative review into a positive action for your business.
Analyse for Patterns
Right in the middle of it, don’t be too hard on yourself for receiving a negative feedback if it’s a rare occurrence. While you might strive to bring the best product or service on the market, you can’t please everybody.
As an entrepreneur, it’s important to discern between customer feedback that is beneficial and that is thrown out simply to cause damage. Sometimes taking each and every review too personal can actually harm your product or service. When you go through feedback, start by looking for any themes or repeated complaints.
One of the most common words in negative online reviews is “disappointed”, implying that the customers had higher expectations. When you spot common threads, pull at them to figure out what product or service is generating this disappointment for your customers. For example, Yelp reviews can be easy to scan since the site will actually highlight the words that are mentioned by multiple customers.
Responses Are Critical
The next step is to provide responses in a timely and professional manner. When customers go through the trouble of submitting a review or making contact via social media, the expectation is of a quick answer.
Always analyze reviews in-depth. When formulating a response, don’t let emotions spill over and keep a cool head. If necessary, issue an apology and explain how you can turn the situation around. Consider offering a special deal or a discount on the purchase, if applicable.
Public responses to negative reviews will not only appease a disgruntled customer, it may contribute to the future growth of your business. People like to see that businesses care about their customers and their opinions. The best way to put out the fire of negativity is by handling customer issues in a professional manner.
Adjust Your Approach
One side of dealing with reviews is analysing and responding. The other side of it is to adapt your business and customer experience to improve your brand. Every business wants to have a positive reputation in front of their customers. If you’ve noticed significant patterns in customer feedback, you need to undertake the necessary changes to usher in positive change. Failing to take action can lead to long-term consequences impacting brand reputation.
Negative reviews can have a very strong impact on potential customers. However, it does not mean the end for your business. Failing to react will. In business, it is highly unlikely that you will always provide a five-star experience to every customer. A few bad experiences are inevitable. Take each one as an opportunity to learn and develop.